Saturday, March 29, 2008

Teacher Competition

This picture is when Teacher competition and 5 student in 7A be the sudent. There are 3 Judge. but we don't win. The winner is Ms. dian my Sosial teacher..


Najuwar said...

nad bagus juga blod ya,,,"
nad kamu tau endak caraya masukin lagu ke blogspot ini,,,?

Moko Ratmoko said...

lho kok moteretnya dari belakang, muka lo mana?

The smartest one said...

Hhehehehe,,r u a student of imersion class??

i want to ask u,,how to register to be a member of website SMP 2 Pwt??i tried many times,,but it didn't work..

i'm the student of the first imersion class..

Nadila Anindita said...

@ cuan : sorry.. I don't know how :( by the way, thank you for visiting my blog ^^

@Mr. Ratmoko : yeaaah , itu guru-nya pak yang moto ada-nya dari belakang deh . hehehe.

@the smartest one : yeaah I'm on of the immersion class. actually, I don't know how to be one of the member their.
okay ! nice to see you . I'm the third generation of immersion class. :D